RPI4 Cross Compile for libcamera-app on Mac Pro (with docker) (4): Build libcamera-apps Why am I doing this After reading the camera app instructions , I thought of starting the development by modifying the libcamera-apps. Therefore, the first step is to build the original repo; after that, I can add my stuff to the official standard version. It looks easy. The code-building instructions are well-documented on the official website, but there is a catch in my mind. I bought an expensive, neat, and tidy Macbook Pro after quitting my job as a mind-comforting geek gadget to compensate for losing my working life, so I don't want to build the code on a small RPI board. Instead, I want to build the code and develop things on my new laptop, which is why I got into this over tons of unexpected things just popping up in my sight… Preface Create a docker container where I can cross-compile the libcamera-apps. Setup chroot Setup toolchain Build libcamera-apps <- Th...